Monday, July 04, 2005

My first post!

Well, here goes, I have officially entered Blog-land! I am absolutely terrible at coming up with titles, etc., so I thought I would pretty stumped when it came to creating a title and URL for my blog. But for once in my life, a title just came to me. "Technical Difficulties" I have my company's IT department and my co-worker, friend, and office mate to thank for giving me help with this one. Last week I was facing a tight deadline to get something published to our website, and our boss was being quite grumpy... And to top it off our network was moving at snail's pace. When I finally finished editing the HTML program and hit "Send" I got those famous two words "Technical Difficulties", which completely obliterated the half hour of changes I had made to the file. As I don't like to use four letter words in the office, I felt the need to let out a large groan and hit the desk, prompting my buddy and office partner pop off her headphones and turn around... When I explained, she commented "I think today is a technical difficulty" ... I blurted out "My life is nothing but technical difficulties!" We laughed at the time, I got my work done and so on a so forth. But later that day, I started to think... Can one have technical difficulties in life? I began to ponder all the hurdles I have jumped and obstacles I have worked past (and the ones I am continuing to work past) in the last few months, and decided, yes, yes indeed. Technical difficulties truly do exist outside the "techie" world and are part of everyday life. Somehow it made me feel better too.. Maybe I am not losing control, maybe I am not spiraling downward... I am just having technical difficulties. And, true to point, I've already called in the repairmen.

So, I have a blog. A good URL, a good title. Let's see if I can find things to fill it.



At 12:26 AM, Blogger Cjristina said...

You'd be surprised at how easy it becomes. Glad to see you doing this Steph.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger jayeofmanyhats said...

Glad to see ya on the BLOGs, almost board like huh? What I don't get a link. I rock too! I swear!


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