Monday, January 08, 2007

90(+) Days

I have now been living on my own for three and a half months. I meant to post this at the exact three-month mark, but I was busy with things such as Chrismahanukwanzakah parties at the time :) It is not been the best three months ever, but far from the worst. However, as with all new experiences, there was a lot to learn...

1. Recent marital separation, moving in a hurry and head colds are a recipe for disaster. Good friends are there in a pinch to help. Just watch out for the vodka.

2. A 22-foot U-Haul filled with the contents of a one-bedroom apartment is overkill. However, it does come in handy to transport the stray drill press.

3. Three educated young adults can take 20 minutes to figure out you need to TURN a drill press to fit it in the trunk of a Toyota.

4. Potholes, a dark parking lot, wedge sandals and bare knees don't mix. I have a scar to prove it.

5. Favorite shoes get lost in hurried moves. And then they reappear only to punish you. See above.

6. Dial-up and Rabbit ears suck. Really really suck. Nothing sadder than watching American Idol Rewind for the millionth time while waiting for the @#$%ing modem to connect. Real TV and/or internet should always be the first indulgent purchase.

7. Toilets can and will explode. At the most inconvenient time. Like, when you are already late for work and most of your towels are still packed.

8. The maintenance man is your new best friend. Make sure he knows this. If you want to know why, refer back to number 7.

9. Apartment trick-or-treating just isn't what it used to be.

10. If you dress as Lt. Dangle and Deputy Clementine for Halloween, your life will resemble theirs more than your own for the time being.

11. Nissan Frontiers are really had to break into. Especially when the engine is running and you are dressed as Lt. Dangle and Deputy Clementine.

12. Housewarming parties are good. Very fun... But there is such a thing as too much lasagne.

13. Christmas lights are dangerous. Use them only with caution or you may lose a few fingers.

14. Hanukkah decorations are surprisingly flammable (ok, I know this one wasn't at my house specifically, but it is too good not to include).

15. If a group of guys follow you and your friends back to your house, collectively calling them "who-ures" is one way to establish their status. Some will protest. Some will be proud :)

16. It being your birthday rationalizes everything you say to your guests, no matter how off the wall.

17. DVD players are fickle.

18. Finally... don't forget to ask for help! Thanks Mom, Dad, Jason... all my movers, great friends and support team. Couldn't have done it without you.

I know it is cliche... but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I think my toes are finally pointing in the right direction :)



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