Thursday, February 09, 2006

Quick Update/Apology

Since I have been home fighting the second round of the cold/plague that has been going around, I figured I have had enough TV (especially the daytime crap lol) and would post. I haven't written much lately, so just thought I would give a quick update. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot to say. Just plugging away waiting for spring ... baseball and then camping season, oh and of course the end of cold season!!! :) My best friend from college surprised me by coming to visit last weekend, and she will be back at the end of the month. We are looking forward to a fun weekend. Made some yummy Italian sausage with my mom's family a few weeks ago, and with a couple exceptions, it was great to see everyone. I felt very Italian that day, I have become almost a link-tying expert. It's a lost art. hehe

I also have to give some apologies for my attitude and some of my behavior lately. I know my blog is a weird place to do this, but to be honest I am not sure really how many people have noticed or been affected. I have had a tremendous amount of stress on me lately, and I failed to find a proper outlet for it. Without doing so, the stress dissolved into a lot of anger and frustration.. and, well, I will just say it. A lot of the time I have been behaving like a bitch lately. It finally came to a head last weekend, and I embarrassed myself and some friends, and I feel terrible about it. Now that I have been able to look back and see some of the ways I have been behaving (talking, etc) lately, I am ashamed. This is not the real me. So if any of you have been affected by it, please accept my deepest apologies. I have recognized my behavior and am working to find positive outlets for stress ... and not letting this dissolve into anger, and not letting myself overreact anymore. Again, I am very sorry and promise to find my kinder, nicer self again.

I hope all is well with all of you.



At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anger can be a good thing. You just need to find a good outlet!


At 5:58 PM, Blogger Wildflower said...

Thanks guys, I needed that :)


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