Just stuff

Well, nothing too exciting over the last two days, but I owe a post. Friday I spent with my parents, Saturday and Sunday with my husband and friends. We all went to see "12 Angry Men" at Kiley's Dinner Theatre in Lodi, the show was good, and the two leads were fantastic. Then did the obligatory Karaoke (which will do again tonight) and had a good time :) Today we had James and Care and their Austrian friend, Alex over for pizza, margaritas and videos. James brought his copy of "Bleacher Bums" (another Kiley's show he was in) as Mike and Alex had not seen it. I forgot how awesome that show was. I also got emailed pictures of my co-worker's baby (who was born very early Saturday morning) and he is adorable. I am glad mom and baby are ok :) Since I don't have much more to say for now, I am going to leave you with a picture of my favorite monster, Sadie.
Sadie's a cutie
Glad to hear you are having fun. Thanks for the compliment about "Bleacher Bums"! It was a fun show to do.
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