Sunday, April 30, 2006

Holy crap! I am actually posting a blog?

Not that I have anything that exciting to say anyway I have felt that things in my life have been too uninteresting to write about lately. Or they involve other people and I don't broadcast other people's business. You know, at one time in my life I was a bit of a gossip. But be burned badly once... and haven't we all... and your thoughts on the matter change.

But after a good meal (I loooove Peking's Chinese. Some people indulge with chocolate, I indulge with Chien Pi chicken) and a couple good glasses of wine so I figured what the heck, I might actually put some thoughts to words, especially since I have been thinking a lot lately. A lot. More than I have in years. Sometimes it is significant, like immigration debates (I don't even think I can BEGIN to tell you how conflicted on the issue), war... etc. Sometimes middle-of-the road things like my mom and dad's upcoming 40th wedding anniversary, or how my Kindercare students are doing three years later. And sometimes it is totally insignificant, like the new shoes I bought or the latest episode of the Simpsons. But it is kind of nice knowing I don't have to rush anywhere Saturday and Sunday mornings and I can lay in bed and just think for a while. Considering the only times I usually get a glimpse of what is going on in my head, it comes from the crazy dreams I have every night. Like my Linda and her 31 umbrellas. Or running from voodoo people on circular stairs. Don't ask, I don't understand them either. Is it bad I don't understand things my own head is making up?

But yeah, the "conscious" thinking I have when I wake up in the mornings on weekends is kind of nice. It's good just to shut things out and focus on what's in my head for a while. I'd highly recommend it.

So... hope everyone out it blogland is well. Peace, love, happiness, and much cowbell to you all.



At 1:59 PM, Blogger jayeofmanyhats said...

And much cowbell back at ya!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Nevermore said...

Hi Steph! saw your bulletin on myspace and had to stop by and have a peek at your photos - looked like a fun party! Can't wait to read more of your your writing style girl...

I just started a blog on here, too - last friday. Would love it if you'd stop by and say hello...

i write under the name Rayne.

Take care!



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