Things I did this weekend
1. Went to a pool party put on by James and Care. Awesome party guys! And it had a cool group of people there... It was nice, haven't been to a house party in a while, it was nice to have the whole DJ, bbq, beer thing going again.
2. Went to lunch with Katy... I hope that's not what made you sick girl! I am sorry :( But I did enjoy our chat and the lovely Chili's Southwestern Eggrolls... mmmmmm forbidden eggrolls.
3. Got a new phone. It is soooo coool. I have a new toy :D It takes pictures and video, I had a lot of fun with that last night. And it supposedly has a speaker phone, but I have not figured that part out yet. It is a huge upgrade to my ol' ghetto phone! Oh yeah, it makes phone calls too ;)
4. Went to the bar, drank, same some karaoke, saw some friends. Even had a few shots ;) And then hit Jack in the Crack on the way home.
5. Slept in. Yup. Should have gone to church, but I was very tired. I have a long week ahead of me so I think it will be ok. Will go the weekend I get back from camping, for sure. I think part of it is that I am a new member, and the minister who so impressed me ( and also welcomed me so openly ) in the beginning has left, and they have not found a new one yet. So it is a different person doing the service each Sunday. While the people are still very nice, and the sermons ok, it just doesn't seem to have the same dynamics as the services done by the most recent minister. And if you are curious because you have never heard me talk about religion, I will reassure you that I have been attending the Unitarian Church, which works very well with my values. If you want to take a look, here is the link to their website:
6. Cleaned the bathrooms and emptied the garbage/recycling. The amount of garbage Mike (my husband for anyone I don't know who may be reading this) and I go through in one week is ridiculous. Yeah, it was totally exciting. It is hot out there and the dumpster smells. Yay.
7. What I am doing right now... posting on my blog and text messaging people. I can multi-task. I am special :D
Will do later:
8. Go to Mom and Dad's for dinner. I haven't seen them since last week so I owe them some quality time.
And then the rest of the day will play by ear. I am going to relax though, as I have to work 10 hour days Mon-Thurs so I can have Friday off for camping. My posts might be a little slim next week, but I will for sure post the following week and may even have camping pics to post.
Hope all reading this had a good weekend and good luck with the upcoming work week. Peace out!
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