Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dessert Wisdom

A great "fortune" (although it is really not a fortune) I recently came across in a fortune cookie:

"Hope is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object."

It made me put down my yummy chien pi chicken and think.



At 7:48 PM, Blogger Cjristina said...

So odd. Today I was telling Rae Ann that I don't need the "happy ending" at the end of books or movies but I need the glimmer of hope that there can be one. What a fabulous quote about the importance of hope. Thanks for posting it.

It was nice to see you last night albeit briefly. I hope this new week of yours is nicer than the last.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Shan'Chelle said...

Wow, that was deep (unusual in a fortune cookie as we know). I have come to the realization that if we don't have hope, then we truly do have nothing. Thanks for the post. By the way, I agree with Christina, I had a good time last night. It felt nice to talk to you again.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger MezzoDragon said...

That's much better than the last one I got. It said "If the odds are good, take the chance you've been considering." Well thanks I think that I now have the confidence! And someday I'll say it was all thanks to a fortune cookie that said If the odds are good.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Wildflower said...

Cjristina--I totally agree. We all know that there can't always be a happy ending, but what would we have without hope?

It was good to see you too, even briefly :) My work weeks will be crazy for the next few weeks. I am up to my elbows in herbal supplement brand names! Hope you have a good week.

Shan'chelle--I agree there too (see above) and yes it was good talking to you again too!

Mezzo--LOL. That's pretty bad. There has been one that I seem to keep getting that is pretty horrible... It says something like "You are logical and questioning by nature" well no kidding, like I needed a cookie to tell me that! :-D

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful - if the fortune has Lotto numbers on the back you should definitely play them this week! I really don't think I've ever had the good fortune of such a well-written note in many years. We'll have to have lunch there when I see you next.


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