Monday, August 29, 2005

Fruit on bottom, hope on top

Ok, so great quote I heard on comedy radio today, but I am not sure quite how to apply it here. It just really got my attention today. If you don't know, it comes from the late comedian Mitch Hedberg ( who always made me laugh. The quote above refers to yogurt and contests on the back of those little lids, but for some reason today it described exactly how I felt, and yet I have no idea why. Maybe I feel fruity with a layer of hope over it? heh I don't think that's quite it but it is something to think about. If you have any of your own thoughts about the quote, I'd love to hear them. For now... I think Family Guy is calling me.

Till later!



At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I totally want to rip into you but I don't hsve the heart for it.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger MezzoDragon said...

At least this jerk was nicer to you than he was to Jaye. But I guess that he's someone you know too.

Steph-you really looked better this weekend than you have for a while. It was good to see you.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Wildflower said...

Mezzo: Thanks so much, it was great seeing you guys Sat. night too. I realized how much I missed you all!

face_up: That's funny, I didn't realize you had a heart. Say what you will about be, I am sure it is nothing I haven't already thought of anyway. I really don't care what you think of me. However, if you start attacking my friends or adding strings of profanity, I will delete your comments. For someone who attacks all of us for not having "original thoughts," you would think you would expand your vocabulary to include more than four-letter words.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Wildflower said...

Oh, and to my faithful readers:

For the record, I have no idea who face_up is. But apprarently he/she/it knew me and the other BCHS theatre people when we were there and at Delta. But I have no clue about his/her/its identity. Don't think I care to know anyway.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger jayeofmanyhats said...

Wow! I applaude face_up for using such big words on your blog like "totally" and "heart" this is very impressive.

btw- it was a blast hanging out with you Steph, glad you had fun.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger jayeofmanyhats said...

Apparently Face_Up's real name is Susan. She is an insane woman Ben screwed around with at Delta. He doesn't even remember her last name (big surprise) and it was ten years ago! We also think she is just plain insane because she might be attacking me more than anyone because she might not be bright enough to realize that I am not Ben. I know I have already told you this info but I am going to post it everywhere that she posts so the insane bitch can't hide anymore.

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs... Well we all know that we are pretty fruity... Guess we need to find out who this hope person is. ;) There is hope in all things, sometimes it just takes time to Find it.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Cjristina said...

Maybe it's because you have to lick the top to see if you won or not. ;-) Also, the bottom fruit needs to be brought to the surface to be eaten...kind of like the problems of life....better get them up and stirred around and the good parts will stay mixed and the rest need to be swallowed and dealt with....I do believe I'm waxing philosophical...I'm going to stop now. Wait, I was wrong>one more thing; yogurt is made up of cultures of something that was rotting but turned into something healthy cool is that? SO maybe your hope is not tied to any contest (of some kind or other) but to the fact that what could be decay is actually the birth of some new dimension. Just a thought.


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