Thursday, August 25, 2005


Ok... so many of you have heard the rumor that the Mr. and I are no longer together. Which is true. I moved back to my parents' house late Sunday night/very early Monday morning. Thanks to SleeplessWalrus and Appalachainsalsa (the best brother in the world) for the help and Denny's trip at 3 AM. I don't know what else to say right now, I don't want to hurt anyone further or make things worse. What I can say is that I miss him greatly, and I didn't want things to end. In the absence of knowing what to say, I have a quiz below that Shan'Celle (see link) mentioned on her blog that she hoped I would take:

Seven things you plan to do before you die!!
1. Have children
2. Do something more professionally... just don't know what. Become a lawyer or professor are possibilities.
3. Visit Europe, and see family in Germany and Italy.
4. Overcome my compulsive eating.
5. Love myself without any conditions
6. Find true love.
7. Learn how to stand up for myself.

Seven things you can do!!
1. Learn how to stand up for myself.
2. Be alone without being sad.
3. Do something else professionally.
4. Lose weight-Lord knows I have done it before.
5. Learn to cook like my mother.
6. Drive a stick shift
7. Sing some kick-a$$ karaoke

Seven things you can't do!!!
1. Whistle. Just can't do it, damn genetics.
2. Completey rid myself of anxiety. I have learned to accept that part of it will always be there.
3. Act very well. I know people will argue with me, but I know the truth.
4. Control everything (ditto)
5. Stop loving people I have loved in the past.
6. Stop worrying about what I eat and when.
7. Stop worrying about whether people like me or not.

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!!
1. Dark Eyes/Hair
2. Smile
3. Sense of humor
4. Intelligence
5. That butt
6. Values
7. Willingness to stop everything and have fun

Seven things you say most!!!
1. I hate to type this but... "Sh!t"
2. "Oh my god"
4. "Um, ok"
5. "Is it drinking time?"
6. "I am so tired"
7. "I miss you"

Seven celebrity crushes!!!
1. Harrison Ford (especially in the Star Wars and Indie movies... yummm)
2. Christian Bale
3. Carey Elwes
4. Eddie Izzard (in heels as well)
5. Jim Carrey (yes I like silly men)
6. Jeff Goldblum
7. John Stamos (back from my teen days)

Seven people you want to take this quiz..
1. Monkey
2. Liese
3. Carolyn
4. Shelby
5. Katy
6. Bernice
7. Jeanine

plus whoever else would like too steal this is welcome to spread it around.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger jayeofmanyhats said...

Good to see you post again kiddo.

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the seven things you want to do, and ya know what, all completely realistic. If you had said "ride a unicorn" then I would have immediately picked up the phone and called you. Now flash me one of your cute smiles!

Oh, and by the way, you DO say all those things you listed there. You give me "um, okay" all the time.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Shan'Chelle said...

Thanks for posting the list. I hope that it at least helped to take your mind of things. As you know I completely understand the feelings that you are going through right now. I was so sorry to hear about the breakup and I wanted to tell you that I am there if you need anything. I know that the past has been shaky for us but I think we BOTH finally understand things that we could not have even begun to comprehend even 2 years ago. If you don't feel comfortable with it trust me, I completely understand. My e-mail address is posted in my profile. If you want to talk e-mail me and I can respond with my cell phone #.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy. Something tells me we wont have the stomach for indian food when I get back from teh man.

I'll call you as soon as I return to civilization.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Wildflower said...

Thanks everyone for the support. I know I haven't talked to everybody about it, but I will get there. Some days I want to talk about it, some I don't. But I really appreciate all of you, and I guess I will have to post more often since it looks like some of ya were waiting for me to :)

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bastage (the Mr.)... you should kick his ass... I'd do it, but I can't reach it from here.



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