One of the coolest things I have done

So see the picture to the left. That is the living room floor of my parents' house. Some of you were there to witness this. About five years ago, they had to rip out the carpet and replace it with pergo wood paneling because our older pets were ruining (ok, let's be honest, had ruined) the carpet. We ripped out the carpet weeks before the pergo was put in because the smell had gotten bad. So we had this great okie-rigged cement floor, where you could see where the house builders had spilled paint in 1977. One night my dad and I were looking at it, commenting on the history you could see in the floor, and he said "I should take a can of spray paint and write 'Fred' across the middle of the floor"... All of a sudden I was a kid again... I looked at him and stammered "Can we do that?" and his response was "I don't give a shit". Needless to say I ran into the other room to get my brother and the friends we had over, yelling "Guys, guess what Dad said we can do?!?!?!?". So we spent the next few hours painting the floor, calling over any neighbor who was home and just covered it with random stuff. We even had our 8 year old neighbor climb through the window to help out (didn't want her walking through wet paint, she was happy to oblige and come through the window). We made the greatest abstract mural, and the best part is, it is still underneath the wood paneling in the living room, awaiting some future home owner to find it. I really like the fact that my family is forever tied to the house.
That is so cool Steph. Much better than when I was re-doing my room. I knew that the wallpaper was going to come down so I started drawing all over it. It just sucked that when the flowers came down, so did some really cool pictures. What you did is kinda like writing your name in wet cement. It'll probably outlast you!
That night was very fun and I will never forget it.
OH MY GOD!!!! I totally forgot about that! Boy did we have fun that night. I feel all puffed up with pride that my half-face spray paint (self?!-)portrait made the post. What a great picture!
Oh my god! I loved that day. If you look close at the pic you can see NCCLU! I remember all of us signing it at various spots. I would love to see the peoples' faces who see that for the first time in the future. Of course I think I put my e-mail address too so maybe I will get e-mailed.
Good times, good times. This was right up there with our Christmas caroling/can drive events, lots of great memories. Seems like yesterday!
BTW If Wildflower doesn't mind I would like to use this space to say hello to both Shelby an Liese, long time no see ladies, I miss ya both.
Thanks all for the comments! Makes me want to go out and find another floor to paint! :) Ahhh memories. And I have no prob with people saying hi to each other in my comments page. Just no rambling psychos :D
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