Yellow Fish in a Brown Pond

So here is a picture of my trip to Tahoe over the weekend. I had to take all my pics on my phone because I forgot my camera. Nothing too exciting, it was fun but no great photo ops. But I did love this fish. He was bright yellow thing hanging out in a tank of brown spotted trout. He hung out right next to the glass until I walked away, like he wanted me to take his picture. Apparently this is an exotic fish breed introduced to Lake Tahoe many years ago but thrived in the Lake environment, despite bearing no resemblance to his fellow lake-dwellers. I though he was neat, I've been to Tahoe many times but never seen one of his breed. He was the only one of his kind I could see through the glass, but there were a lot of trout swimming around. Don't we all feel like this little yellow fish sometimes?
Can I be a little green fish instead?
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