The Remains of the (Turkey) Day

Sorry I have not been posting for a while, I haven't had too much to write about. But that could be a good thing I suppose. But I thought I would share pics of random things from my Thanksgiving weekend so far. The top is a car I happened upon coming out of Target on Wednesday night. Someone filled a car with balloons, plastic wrapped it, and wrote "Happy Birthday" all over it. I thought it was very clever and got a good chuckle out of it. I can imagine some poor Target employee coming out of a long pre-black Friday shift finding his or her car all wrapped up. He he.
The second pic is from my family's Thanksgiving Day at my parents' house. My brother the Appalachian Monkey wanted the turkey leg so we made sure he ate it barbaric style. UGH ME WANT TURKEY AND BRUSSEL SPROUT SODA. Yes, I said brussel sprout soda. Curious? Just plain crazy? Check out Jones Cola's Holiday soda package (
Hope all of you had a good weekend so far and a good Saturday and Sunday. Won't mention Monday yet ;)
The cheese stands alone.
PLEASE...come over to my blog and read today's POST. It means the world to me.
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