Sunday, August 27, 2006

Writer's Block

Is it perpetual??? An epidemic??? What's important enough to put down??? What should absolutely be edited out??? How does one quantify experiences and events? At risk of sounding too existential, in the end does any of it really matter? Maybe that is truly the "big" question we all face. What does matter?

And, on a non-rhetorical note, I found an apartment. I will have my first place on my own on Sept. 15th.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Life and Lists

So, things that have happened since my last post:
1. Mike and I have decided to split up. Yeah. Sigh. I'd write more, but I am not sure exactly how to express things right now. The basis for the decision is that neither of us has been happy for a long time.
2. Found out that my "home" theatre, Kiley's is closing in November. I am doing crew on the last two shows. Double sigh.
3. A kindly old neighbor of my parents' passed away. I had known him since I was about five years old. We called him Mr. Colonel. We miss him. Too many sighs to mention.
And just in case you thought this list was all negative...
4. I went camping with my dad's family for four days. It was a blast. We had almost too much fun, as we got noise complaints... TWICE! Hell yeah. Long live chili and spam, but avoid the vomitorium (ask me if you curious).
So... this weekend (Sat. to be exact) is my 10 year high school reunion. In light of things that have been happening recently, I almost decided not to go (which would be very bad because I am on the committee). But I changed my mind, and after Tuesday's committee meeting, I am looking forward to it. And I am giving myself major credit for having the guts to do so. I will have more to post on that later. But in light of current events, plus this weekend's milestone, I have another list. I am 28, and 29 is coming at the end of the year, so I have decided that I need to get my life together by my 30th birthday. In my early 20's, I thought I'd be happily married and ready to have my first child by 30. Well obviously THAT is not going to happen. Someone told me once that God laughs at your plans... I can't help but believe ... heck, KNOW that is true now. So here is the new "plan" with a little room for interpretation.
1. For once AND FOR ALL deal with my compulsive eating and get to a healthy weight. If this was the only thing in this list I accomplish by 30, I'd still be grateful.
2. Get a steady place to live. Yep. No more nomad stuff.
3. Get my finances/debt in order. Get a savings account and retirement plan!!!
4. Learn how to forgive myself for mistakes and not to judge people because of my own securities.
5. RELAX! Learn how to really have fun and enjoy myself again.
6. Find a healthy hobby.
7. Forgive. Nuff said.
8. Learn to like myself again. I miss me.
So... that is that. Comments? Suggestions? Silly hats? All are welcome.