Friday, June 29, 2007

Goodbye and thanks for all the deadbeat fish

I just said goodbye to one of my best friends... she is moving far away in the morning. I have not cried that much in a while nor have I been struck speechless... well, not ever but close to it. The funny thing is, I've only been friends with this wonderful person for about nine months. I have known her for about a year, but it took a while to get to know her because of my own personal problems I was facing last summer. Of all my great regrets, not extending the hand of friendship to her sooner will be one of them.

With that said, even if I had become friends with her sooner, she still would have been in my life for a relatively short amount of time. One of the things she and I actually did manage to say between sobs tonight was how neither of us knew why we were brought together for such a short time, but bonded almost instantly. I don't want to say I believe in fate, but I am at the point in my life where I am pretty sure everything was meant to happen for a reason, as was this relationship. She pulled me out of a very bad place and a cycle of anger, and put my feet firmly back on the ground. I think I helped her with my wisdom (don't laugh, it's true) and the few years more life experience I have on her. But most of all I think we needed to meet someone who could shake things up and give us an entirely different perspective on our lives. Nine months later, I am working on being a better person and better to myself because of her.

Also, I have to give her a great amount of thanks for bringing me closer to several people that I have known for a long time but was too wrapped up (or maybe just too lazy) to get to know. These people are amazing, and my little world is a better place with these people in it and I owe her a big debt of gratitude because of it.

Thanks Barbara, I am really going to miss you.


P.S. Thanks for the inspiration on the title Katy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why I might get kicked out of the girls' club... thanks for the idea Jaye!

So this is the "other side" of Jaye's famous (or infamous?) blog. I have always said I tend to be more "one of the guys" but now think I may actually be close to getting kicked out of the girls' club permanently. Here's why:

--I hate soap operas. Enough said.

--I am the only woman in the world who really doesn't like shopping for baby clothes.. Better yet baby "outfits". Babies are great, I like them fine. Searching through racks and racks of "oh so cute" but "oh so not functional" in miniscule sizes makes my head spin. And don't even get me started on the designer clothes for the wee ones.

--Thong underwear. Can't stand it. I know I just made myself very unsexy, but I don't care. My cheeks deserve equal coverage.

--I can read a map. I've been told women can't. I am darn sure I can. And I think I have stopped for directions once... ever. And I made my friend get out of the car to ask!

--I don't know what that "not so fresh" feeling is. Please don't tell me, I am sure I don't want to know!

--I don't get the point of manicures... especially ones that include fake or partially-fake nails. I've had three total in my life. Once for prom, and once for each of my weddings... but nothing false involved!!! I may have painted them now and then on special occasions, I just don't get the need for extensions to my hands! Is anyone REALLY looking that closely at my hands? And if they are, I'd be more inclined to do something about my face... that's where the focus is supposed to be when people look at you!

--Brad Pitt really isn't hot. I think he spends more time on his hair than I do. That's never good.

--This grown woman/princess thing... Haven't we had about enough of this yet? If you are over 11, you don't need to be carrying or wearing anything with "Princess" written on it in glitter. Give me a break. This is why we don't get taken seriously ladies. Can you imagine Hilary or Condy pulling off something like that?

And... finally...


So yeah... kick me out of the hen's nest or whatever. Maybe the other discarded chicks and I will start our own club. Nail polish and bad daytime drama not allowed. Applications welcomed!
