Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A New Day

Today I officially filed my divorce papers and moved into a new office at work. Felt fine about filing the papers (other than having to endur the crazy screaming lady at the steps of the courthouse) and love the new office so far. Clearly today is a day for change. So today is the day I let go of the past and move on. From this morning on, I am taking care of myself and treating myself the way I deserve to be treated.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

We are in the paper!

Yep, my company and boss got profiled today... You can even see my book in the pic! Check it out:



Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hint of spring

There was spring in the air today, I could feel it... I feel the first hint of it sometime just about every February. For the first time in months I was able to relax on my balcony... barefooted even! It was heavenly. I am a warm weather junkie, I kind of go into a cocoon in the winter. I could even smell the faint hint of bbq, hear the crack of the baseball bat, and even felt a little of the rich earth from camping. Ok, so maybe I cheated on the last one, I gathered some camping items from storage (because we needed to clean it out) and some were still dusty from last year's trip. But warm air and sunshine bring the hope of good times to come.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

LSAT LSAT LSAT--I am done!

So for the good, bad and downright ugly, it is over. My brain feels like a pile of mashed potatoes... But I finished the whole test. There were a few rush rush moments at the end of each section, but that is ok. Now, time for a well-deserved nap! If you can, come meet me at Bogey's later tonight and help me celebrate!
