1. You fridge contains a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and Rockstar
2. Your cat has taken full control of your apartment, including its decoration, arrangement of furniture and apportionment of bedspace.
3. You have forgotten your roommate's/spouse's/best friend's/significant other's (or all of the above) name on more than on occasion. However, you know the Pizza Hut deliveryman on a first-name basis because he comes by your house three times a week.
4. You utter vulgarities that would make a sailor blush on a daily basis.
5. The number of inanimate objects in your home that will become airborne is directly proportionate to the difficulty of your reading assignment.
6. You call in sick to work just so you have time to shower.
7. All the closets in your home look like this:

8. You haven't seen a movie, the inside of a non-drive through restaurant, or natural light other than through the library window in months... and you no longer care.
9. You run out of clean socks so you go without... In January.
10. Where ARE your shoes/keys/wallet/pants?
11. You take a nap and dream about sleeping.
12. Torts are not a dessert.
13. IRAC is not a country.
14. Proximate cause can kiss your butt.
15. You are reading this list and nodding your head... but you feel guilty because you are not studying.