So, I may not be a sales genius... in fact, I am probably the exact opposite... but aren't there a few things that are just common sense? Like, when you are trying to up-sale a customer, should the upgraded product completely negate your main business design? I don't think so...
This morning I finally figured out why I have been having so many headaches this last month. Actually, to be fair, my retinas figured it out for me. If I hadn't gone nearly blind for a few hours today, I may still be working my way through a bottle of generic Costco ibuprofen... only quality generics for me. Yeah yeah I know... once again... I maintain that at this point during the school year, you could put an elephant in my doorway and I wouldn't notice. I’ll notice/remember/do shit when I am on summer break. There will be plenty of time for that nonsense then ;)
I manage to rest the peepers up enough to get home, and luckily LensCrafters had an appointment available in a half an hour, and since I am not far from the mall, I grab it. Short interjection--have I told you lately how much I effing HATE the mall? A few gang bangers came dangerously close to the business end of a Saturn today... its one thing to dodge them in narrow parking lanes when you can see... baggy pants are urban camouflage to the visually impaired.
Anyway... I discover my old glasses are complete crap. The Dr. actually told me the only use for them was to leave them in my car in case I ever get pulled over and I don't have the new glasses with me... I can put the old ones on real quick and fake it... Ahhh... I have found a sneaky optometrist. I like him.
I get my new improved script and sit down with the customer service drone (I am not saying all Customer Service reps are drones... but the ones at LensCrafters were...) and I get the random chit chat. While she is imputing my order, she is working really hard at upselling me to the highest quality lens they offer. This is all being picked up on the Stephanie Feilzer tab, I have no vision insurance, so I am trying to be frugal. Nonetheless, she actually just about succeeds (I know, I am terrible. Never take me used-car shopping) when she slips in "The only thing is, if you get this type of lens, your glasses won't be ready in one hour". Ok, I am patient. I ask her how long they will take. "Oh two weeks or so... but I ordered mine two weeks ago and they are still not in". WTF??? LADY .. I CAN'T SEE! How the heck am I supposed to go two more weeks without seeing? Hmm... I can't see... I need to see... I have a lot of work to do... How can I see quickly? AH! LensCrafters... glasses in "about an hour". Problem + 1 hr generic vision place=Solution. Two weeks does not work anywhere into this equation.
So I get the lower quality lenses. Not shockingly, they work fine. I still manage to plunk down a nice chunk of change. I was going to buy a laptop for school. The laptop fund will now reside on my face. Oh well...
But... I can see... and they are cute :) I offer the pic below as evidence. And yes, I am a girl. I have a new accessory.