And six months later, it is like finding light bulbs in a cooler...
Six months folks. Six months living on my own. It finally feels normal ;) Tonight I had a bit of an epiphany. One of the lamps blew a light bulb, and I could not find a replacement. I was starving so I took a break from my search to eat dinner. While eating, I had a very strange feeling that they were in the cooler at the bottom of the coat closet. I had a vague recollection of my six-month younger self, throwing things in any box that had any room left at 7:30 the morning of moving day. Somehow the thought of the cooler and the bulbs stuck with me. So I pulled the thing out of the bottom of the closest (of course with stacks of stuff on top of it) and low and behold, there were my light bulbs, safe and sound inside the cooler. The rest of the memory flooded back to me... that morning I was too frantic to wrap anything breakable, so I tossed the bulbs in the cooler, figuring they would be safe there. Genius? Maybe. Eccentric? Probably. How I lived here six months without burning out a bulb? A mystery. But it was an interesting surprise no matter which way you look at it. I forget my lunch, my umbrella, my jacket, people's names, etc on a daily basis. But yet, I had a vision of the light bulbs being placed in the cooler on a crazed morning half a year ago. It goes to show that I still can surprise myself, and the simplest necessities can get lost in the shuffle sometimes. But they still linger there, and apparently still live in my mind. This is good to know.